Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mammoth Tusk Fossils outside? In the dirt? No way! This is how I will teach my kids about fossils. A hands on real live adventure. I will let you know how it goes.

Alaskan Prospectors

Today I visited Alaskan Prospectors (504 College Rd Fairbanks, AK) for the 1st time. The owner of the store is a retired teacher and very nice. He has a lot of educational stuff about fossils, geology… Rock and mineral kits. He himself is full of info. When I was there he put all Dinosaur kits on sale to $9.95 and asked me to tell all my home schooling friends. Apparently I has the 1st one he has seen in his store.

It works!

I had to fix some stuff, but it is all good now. From what I have seen I just say whatever I want to on a blog. Hmm? Why is there so much religious curriculum for home schooler's? And why does everyone assume I am religious. I am not. Please respect my beliefs.
Ok, on to the next subject. Take your kids outside, please. I am having difficulty finding moms that let their kids play outside. Why? If people would just let your kids, or make them, go outside they get fresh air, exercise, their imagination goes wild, they explore and ask questions, they develop problem solving skills....etc. Is it to much work or something? Stop cleaning, take a cup of ice tea, your book, and go sit under an umbrella in the back yard.who knows you may have fun too. Or set their boundary's, let them go and stay inside and enjoy the quiet. Any way I am just tiring to figure this blog thing out I will wright something more interesting later.

Test Test

Does this work? I don't know. Lets see.